The death of a pet is something unavoidable in life, and often a part of many children’s early experiences. It is one of life’s greatest, saddest lessons. But it helps if parents are there to communicate to the child what is going on and why, and to help them deal with these tragic events. In this video from 2014, a little boy is with his father at the vet and are preparing to say goodbye to BaoBao, their loyal and faithful dog. The father gently explains to his son why they have to say goodbye to her, but of course it is upsetting and emotional for the little boy. BaoBao was unfortunately involved in an accident, sustaining a crippling injury. She travelled everywhere with her dad by scooter and had travelled over 200,000 km with him in her lifetime. But on their last tour she fell off unexpectedly while they were going slowly through an intersection and she was hit by a car, resulting in a smashed pelvis. He wrote of her last tour with him on his scooter that, “That was her life…...
Information about animal lovers. How to take care our pet with love. Humanity restored on daily life.