Vincent is a cat of the United States who was born without hind legs and was abandoned by the same, but fortunately was rescued by an animal shelter in Iowa. By his condition was impossible for anyone to take. Fortunately, one of the volunteers in the shelter he talked to his daughter's situation Vincent and the daughter, who is studying veterinary medicine, got in touch with Dr. Mary Sarah Bergh, who teaches at the University of Iowa and surgeon orthopedic vet, who became interested in the case of Vincent.
The Bergh doctor implanted a titanium pair of legs cat, one of the most advanced procedures in veterinary and today it is estimated that only two dozen animals have been faced with a similar intervention. The complexity of this surgery is that each implant is screwed to the femur, exposing part of the bone to the environment, this requires special care and antibiotic treatment twice daily.
The advantage of this surgery is that over time the legs of titanium can be adapted in length until they are the size of its front legs, this with the intention that Vincent can jump like a normal cat, which calculated to be in a span of one year.