This is the story of a woman called Sheila Lawrence, who her husband nicknamed “feeder” because of her love to feed all kinds of birds. But Sheila also had another nickname – the “Swan Lady” as she used to feed hundreds of swans on the Mississippi for 25 long years. Sheila would walk all the way to the river banks and feed the swans, but five years ago, something terrible happened.
Sheila, who was diagnosed with cancer, passed away, but before she passed away, she made her husband promise that he’d feed the swans for her. Her husband, Jim Lawrence earned the nickname “Swan Lady Man” and he has continued his wife’s legacy. He brings 200 bushels of corn to feed her swans! Now take a look at this beautiful video below.
Take a look at this video
Although Jim won’t be able to replace Sheila, but he is trying his best and is fulfilling the promise he made to his beloved wife. What a great man! Share away, people and RIP Sheila, you beautiful woman…
Sheila, who was diagnosed with cancer, passed away, but before she passed away, she made her husband promise that he’d feed the swans for her. Her husband, Jim Lawrence earned the nickname “Swan Lady Man” and he has continued his wife’s legacy. He brings 200 bushels of corn to feed her swans! Now take a look at this beautiful video below.
Take a look at this video