On Thursday, March 22, 2018, Idaho’s Fish and Game Commission voted for a hunt that would allow for the glory killing of one male grizzly bear. This is a totally senseless and unjustified action on behalf of an agency that prides itself on conservation and touts the grizzly bears' recovery as a success.
When the Yellowstone grizzly bears lost their federal protections, the grizzly bears' future landed in the hands of three neighboring States, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. Montana voted against a grizzly bear hunting season. Wyoming is moving forward with plans to slaughter 24 grizzly bears this fall and Idaho has set its sights on one male grizzly bear.
Grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone area are challenged with ever-growing threats such as habitat loss, human-caused fatalities, loss of vital food sources, and now trophy hunting.
The fact is this hunt has nothing to do with necessity or science, but rather an agency catering to special interest groups and offering them an opportunity to "bag" their trophy grizzly.
If Idaho moves forward with a hunting season, it will be the first hunt since 1975, when grizzlies were listed as a federally protected species under the Endangered Species Act.
Please voice your opposition to this unscientific and unjustified trophy hunt!