Our country has brave men and women who fight for our freedom and safety overseas and here at home – and many of those men and women have canine partners! We hear stories about the heroic acts of the dogs and mourn when they are killed in the line of duty. New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) recently built a 72-acre training facility to train dogs to sniff out drugs and explosives; it is the largest dog training facility in the United States. The dogs, once trained are part of the MTAPD’s Canine Unit! At the facility, buses and train cars are used to train the dogs for real-life situations. Take a look at this video Becoming an MTAPD canine isn’t easy – the trainers will train 30 dogs, but only accept one onto the force! Practice makes perfect; the dogs train for several months before leaving the facility. The dogs are hard-working but also people friendly! Share away, people.
Information about animal lovers. How to take care our pet with love. Humanity restored on daily life.